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Bolloré discloses future investments in Kribi, Douala ports

Bollore Vincent Bolloré, President of the Bolloré group

Mon, 23 May 2016 Source:

The Bolloré group, owner of railroad and port concessions in Cameroon, took advantage of the international economic conference entitled “Invest in Cameroon, Land of opportunity” held in Yaoundé, the capital of the country, to unveil the investments it is planning to undertake starting from this year.

According to the management of this French logistics group, Camrail, its subsidiary which has been benefitting from a concession on the Cameroon railway for 15 years now, will co-finance with the government a 2016-2020 investment plan of FCFA 24 billion in total. This plan will help, among other investments, renovate 500km of railroad and launch new passenger services on the Yaoundé-Douala and Douala-Kumba lines.

Concomitantly, we learn, the Bolloré group, through the Société d’Exploitation des Parcs à Bois du Cameroun (SEPBC), concessionaire of the announces for this year a FCFA 5 billion investment to help increase the delivery rates to the log yard in the Douala port.

In this same port, Douala International Terminal (DIT), another company owned by the Bolloré group in partnership with APMT and Maersk, announces, over the 2016-2017 period, the acquisition of a 3rd dockside gantry crane for the container terminal. This equipment will be in operation "by first quarter 2017", and will be built in China by ZPMC, presented as the world leader in the construction of port tools.

In Kribi, a seaside resort in South Cameroon in which will be built the first deep water port of the country, and whose container terminal was also given to a French-Chinese consortium lead by the Bolloré group; the French logistics company is announcing the construction of a logistics base which will ultimately cover an area of 24,000 m2.

This, especially as the concessionaires of the container terminal of the largest port of Cameroon, the Bolloré group specifies, are planning to turn "Kribi into a regional transshipment hub for the entire Atlantic coast of Africa, from Senegal to Gabon, linked by big capacity ships to the European and Asian markets".
