Il a été soumis à un interrogatoire musclé
Le nommé Eric Tataw, activiste ambazonien résidant aux USA vient d'être interpelé par les agent du FBI.
C'est le concerné lui-même qui a publié l'information sur sa page Facebook. Et selon ses propres dires, cette interpelation est relative à ses appels à la révolte sur les réseaux sociaux dans le cadre de la crise qui secoue la zone anglophone du cameroun.
LIRE AUSSI: Corruption: le TPI de Douala protège et libère un malfrat
Ci-dessous la déclaration d'Eric tataw à la suite de l'audition par les agents du FBI
FBI Calls Me For Questioning...
I have just left a police station here in the US. For the longest time I spent there, two FBI agents put me in an interview room for questioning. Generally, I was treated with maximum respect and allowed access to my phone.
Agent Morrison, in charge of the Investigations had a thorough review of my phone and all its contents upon my approval. They also showed me documents and posts from fake Facebook profiles trying to impersonate me. Amongst them is one showing how I'm preaching destruction of properties in the US.
Agent Morrison and his partner also asked me about my social media outings. On this account, I acknowledged my undiluted commitment in preaching self-defense including teaching our population on how to own and use weapons against Mr. Biya and any Soldier attempting to kill them...
I explained to them the History of the Ambazonian Independence Movement and also told them about Sisiku Ayuk Tabe Julius, Pa Tassang Wilfred, Mancho, Barrister Agbor Nkongho, etc. I also asked them to review the Genocidal acts of Mr Biya and his Military on Kemi Ashu and Mark Bareta's pages. I again told them of the Washington DC event on Sunday August 19, 2018. All these and more were recorded... America is a State of Law!!!