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Atah Robert not ready to let go FECAFOOT top job

ATAH Robert1

Wed, 7 Jan 2015 Source: Cameroon Concord

One of the five disqualified candidates for the presidency of the Cameroon football federation, Atah Robert has reiterated his determination to get the top job.

In an attempt to get more support from the grassroots especially from his region of origin- North West, Atah Robert organized a small conference to pass out his agenda which could favor him for the election come February 25, 2015.

In meeting at the Ayaba Hotel, he drilled all team managers who answered present on how to get sponsors.

If elected the deputy national team Technical Director promised to construct good infrastructures, reexamine the working code of conduct in FECAFOOT, fight corruption and embezzlement and above, identify administrative problems and solve them.

He equally promised to reconcile FECAFOOT with some key persons like Roger Milla and Eto Fils.

Atah Robert also hinted that he would modify the pitches in all the 10 regions of Cameroon while expanding youth football.

Source: Cameroon Concord