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FIFA Goal Project in Cameroon yet to commence

3613 Fifa Fecafoot Visit File photo

Sun, 27 Dec 2015 Source:

Contrary to popular believe in Cameroon that money for the FIFA Goal Project was swindled, FIFA African Development Officer, Zelkifli Ngoufonja says the project is progress and yet to start.

The declaration was made on Friday December 18 at the FECAFOOT headquarters in Tsinga during a FIFA- Fecafoot Executive Committee meeting, a traditional visit to associations with a new executive.

On the occasion Ngoufonja maintained that the goal programme was retarded because of the crisis at the federation adding that the project would be finalized in the days ahead for work to start.

“FIFA wrote to the federation indicating that if by 31 December the contracts were not awarded the project would be withdrawn, the federation respected the deadline and now it is left for FIFA to finalize the legal work”, FIFA African Development Officer stated.

He explained that the Goal Project is infrastructure but also projects that can be used to develop youth competitions and sporting equipment worth 600,000 US dollars per cycle (four years).

Fecafoot is also entitled to another project called Challenger worth 600,000US dollars which is also an infrastructure project, a pitch which the federation can develop where it wants provided in line with FIFA regulations. These are the provision of central and statutory audit reports and the minutes of meetings of the general assembly of the previous year.

The federation would also benefit from the Financial Assistance Programme to the tune of 250,000 UD dollars provided the federation presents their budget, besides education and technical development projects such as courses, seminars for coaches, goalkeepers and referees.

Most important is the Performance Programe, which the federation intends to subscribe to with focus on development organization and the structure to start hopefully by April 2016. This would be a kind of X-ray of the federation after which solutions would be prescribed to ameliorate management and performance.

The Win-Win project, also unveiled to Fecafoot Executive Committee is a program that provides member associations with funding for long-term, sustainable projects that can generate revenue or savings on the condition that those gains are reinvested in football development activities.

Such projects include commercial mini-pitch centers, football camps, football merchandising, football fan engagement, ticketing and hospitality, marketing, TV rights and operations.

However, FIFA would finance some of these projects only if the federation respects the regulations such as audit reports and minutes of the general assembly meeting as a measure of control.

Besides projects, major reforms such as the limitation of the mandate of presidents to be proposed to the FIFA general assembly billed for May 2016 in Mexico, were also presented.

Fecafoot President Tombi A Roko Sidiki appreciated FIFA working visit and hailed the major reforms such as the limitation of mandate saying this ensure that dynamism and leave room for other to come in with new ideas.
