Mr. Ben Modo,PDG de Prime Potomac
Mr. Ben Modo is by all accounts a tough nut to crack. The erstwhile cleric, a notorious loud-mouthed schnook as I can recall, who disappeared from Cameroonian radars quite a while back, has just resurfaced as a benevolent provider of modern soccer facilities, complete with synthetic turf, video producing units, hotels, catering and entertainment halls.
Mr. Ben Modo is President and CEO of Potomac Global, a US-based and registered concern, address and track record unverifiable, that has committed itself to delivering in six months at least 4 stadiums to its only client, the Fédération camerounaise de football.
In all fairness, I should suspend my disbelief. After all, miracles do happen. So, let miracles happen. But in the meantime, I am forced to acknowledge that the credibility of this fuzzy set-up of which the principal cog is Mr. Ben Modo is next to zero.
You cannot expect to make believe that you can build a stadium when it is well established that you have never built one nor anything close to a stadium. We know that and the Fédération camerounaise de football knows that. So, pray tell, why pick Mr. Ben Modo ?
Better yet : how was this man picked to lead a worthy endeavour like building sports facilities we so badly need ?
Suspicion in the minds of Cameroonians is well founded in a case like this. You cannot fault them for believing that there is something fishy going on, that as usual we are being sucked in, that as usual some people are selling hot air and reaping big rewards.
The people who brought Mr. Ben Modo to this deal are the issue. We cannot believe that they are pulling a stunt like this without a hidden agenda.
As for the pastor, a likable bloke mind you, we pray that his days be few and short on Cameroonian soil on this business.
Of course we wish him no physical harm, rather we pray that far away from here, he may live a long life and die an old man and full of days (Job 42:17).