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New leadership at the helm of Northwest FECAFOOT

Fecafoot Northwest Battle Northwest contenders

Sun, 20 Sep 2015 Source:

Since October of 2014 when Tambe Jonathan was assigned to the Northwest Region to supervise elections into the divisional and regional offices of the Cameroon Football Federation, he received unprecedented collaboration at every level in the Northwest.

It was until Monday September 14, 2015 that he received what he described as an embarrassment. The elections into the Northwest FECAFOOT regional office programmed for this date had to be postponed because the quorum could not be formed. Only 15 of the 31 delegates showed up at the event ground. After a long wait, Mr Tambe had to announce a postponement of the elections to the next day as provided for by the law.

Tuesday September 15, 2015 the delegates representing Five of the divisions in the NW following the disqualifications of Boyo and Momo Divisions for lack of divisional leagues, converged in the conference hall of a hotel in Bamenda for the second seating. This time all expected 31 delegates were present.

Opening the session, Tambe Jonathan expressed discontent for what he described as a stab on the back of someone like him who as a brother came to the Northwest region with the hope of normalising football in the region.

According to him failing to show up for the elections the previous day was embarrassing particularly after reports from across the country confirmed that all other regions had their elections hitch free. He then called on the delegates to show love for country and the region by participating in the elections.

Declaring the elections open, he announced that only one list has been validated and that was the list of Mr Kaba Christopher hitherto Secretary General of the regional league. The list by the immediate past president John B Nde; Mr Tambe explained was invalidated by the electoral commission a situation he said was above him to handle.

As the press was ushered out of the election hall, the business of the day began. About 30minutes after, the press was invited in again and an announcement was made presenting Mr Kaba Christopher as winner of the elections. He had grabbed the function with 17 out of the 31 possible votes the normalisation committee delegate announced. Being a list system, Mr Kaba presented Fortibui Hilary and Tabifor John as first and second vice presidents. Tafili Magnus, Lialam Edward, Sah Walters, Tanyu Julius and Fang Augustine as members.

Talking to the press just after the elections Dingha Joseph President of Bamenda FC and delegate to the extraordinary assembly said Mr Kaba's election lacked the support of the entire Northwest football family. According to him the electoral process was not fair with the absence of a genuine explanation as to why the list of John B NDE was rejected. He however cited the conciliation and arbitration chamber of the National Olympic and Sports committee amongst others as the place where they (the John B NDE camp) will seek redress. And to him the elections will be canceled as soon as the judgment expected to be in their favour will be made public.

Kaba Christopher on his part described the elections as bestowing of confidence on him. While thanking those who elected him, he requested the support of all saying "that is how democracy came to the Northwest. When multipartism had to come, not everyone accepted it and now everyone is enjoying it. So not everyone could accept Mr Kaba but soon everyone will enjoy him." The president elect presented the need for a new stadium in Bamenda as an important project that has to be looked into following the immense contribution of the Northwest to football in Cameroon.

Nji Joseph Chief of Division for Economic, Social and Cultural affairs at the Northwest Governor's office called on all delegates whether for Kaba or not to prioritize the promotion of football in Cameroon. According to him the Governor's representation was testimony of the importance Government attaches to football matters in Cameroon.

The presence of the John B NDE followers who were absent the day before sources say was thanks to the intervention of a son of the region and Prime Minister of Cameroon Philemon Yang. He is said to have exalted his brothers in the region through a telephone call to safe the face of region and avoid a situation where the Northwest region will be seen as the source of problems facing Cameroon football particularly with treats from the Federation of International Football Associations, FIFA promising to sanction Cameroon should there be any interruption in the electoral process again after many others due to court judgments.
