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Videos: Lady Ponce does a Beyonce, releases more than a video in a day

Lady Ponce Album

Mon, 11 May 2015 Source:

The very busy Lady Ponce seems to be having a super time of her music life right now. Amongst all the other Bikutsi stars, the Lady has really shown why she merits to be called such.

In just a space of a few years, Lady Ponce has transformed her image - her shape is looking trimmed, gone are the long long extensions and very high outrageous heels.

The Bikutsi Queen hosted her album launch for ‘Bain de Sons’ at the Hilton Hotel Yaounde on May 6 and was attended by many stars like Foly Dirane, X Maleya, Alain Dexter as well as the Minister of Communication, Issa Tchiroma.

Although images from her video shoot had been in circulation for some time, we were presented with the first video "O Bale Ma" which was rather melancholic, emotional, soft, acoustic filled, raw and just different from her usual high tempo with a reference to some of the Cameroon music artists gone and alive.

Just as we were getting round to enjoying the video, ‘Bouge On Voit’ was released and this time it was to her usual tune, a ‘dancey’ and upbeat song but with one thing different - the Lady did not bouge her body even an inch as she is used to for us to see.

Her overall approach has given her that added quality boost, widening her fanbase and increasing her popularity.

In a milieu such as the Bikutsi where sex sells, it certainly is refreshing to see Lady Ponce all cleaned up and dolled up like the beautiful persona that she is.

See the new Lady P in her videos below.
