ADB adopts new strategies to address vulnerability on the continent


Thu, 26 Jun 2014 Source:

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has said it will adopt a new approach to addressing issues undermining development and fragility in some countries on the continent.

The private Guardian newspaper Monday quoted a statement from the Bank as saying the new strategy, entitled ”Addressing Fragility and Building Resilience in Africa”, would last from 2014 to 2019.

“We will stay engaged across the spectrum of fragile situations, making use of all available instruments and focusing resources on the areas where it can have the biggest impact,” AfDB President Donald Kaberuka was quoted as saying in the statement.

He said reaching out to the private sector and civil society in fragile situations would be an important feature of the Bank’s engagement.

Mr. Kaberuka also said the bank would strengthen its engagement in four regions that are particularly at risk - the Horn of Africa, Sahel, Mano River Union and Great Lakes and Central Africa region.

“There is no predefined toolbox to address fragility and build resilience in Africa.

Therefore, the African Development Bank will engage in a process of learning by doing, jointly with its regional member countries, private sector and civil society,” the Director of AfDB’s department in charge Fragile Sates, Sibry Tapsoba, was quoted as saying.

He said fragility has significant spill-over effects that can put at risk the development prospects of entire regions.
