Arcelor Mittal to supply railway irons to Camrail worth FCFA 1billion


Thu, 26 Jun 2014 Source:

The Cameroon Railways (Camrail), groupe Bolloré Africa Logistics, dealer in Railway irons in Cameroon, has taken delivery of 30,000 new linear rails of 54 kg meters.

This order was delivered by the French company Arcelor Mittal, for a total of FCFA 1billion, Camrail revealed in a statement.

This stock rails, we learn, will allow "the achievement of maintenance of the track on the rail network, with incidence, substantial improvement in traffic safety and travel time."

To recap, August 30, 2013, Camrail has launched the rehabilitation operation of some 175 km of railway in Cameroon, between the towns of Batschenga (Central Region) and Ka'a (in the region of the East), all for a total cost of FCFA 9 billion, said the company
