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Ayaba Hotel Bounces Back To Brisk Business

Ayaba Hotel Bamenda

Fri, 4 Apr 2014 Source:

A little over 18 months ago, no one could imagine that the once prestigious Ayaba Hotel in Bamenda that had lost its glorious tourist attraction will ever regain its elegant status quo again.

During the turbulent period of the previous administration, workers went for 10 months without pay estimated at some FCFA 100 million.

Taxes, social insurance, electricity and water bills also in millions of francs were owed as the situation had degenerated to a sorry state with the once envious hotel facing the toughest of times as irate unpaid workers even blocked the main entrance for days.

Suppliers were also caught in the stressful web as the items they supplied to the hotel valued at some FCFA 20 million were shockingly unpaid. Soon the 100-rooms Ayaba hotel with all its facilities was abandoned by most clientele in preference for better services elsewhere.

News of the disturbing situation got to the astute and dynamic Minister of State for Tourism and Leisure H.E. Bello Bouba Maigari who dispatched a fact finding mission to Bamenda for proper evaluation of the burning issues rocking the very foundation of Ayaba Hotel. Satisfied by what his collaborators brought to him, he waded into the vexing matter to salvage the ultra-modern edifice that stood tall but a mere shadow of itself.

Appointment of new Director General

A retired technocrat in hotel management from the Ministry of Tourism and Leisure D.G. Doume Zacharie was recruited to use his expertise to revamp the ebbing hotel. He came and with his technical know-how, D.G. Doume has created an indelible mark in just over 18 months by putting Ayaba Hotel back on the tourist rails.

Renovation work started as soon as he agreed with the unpaid workers, most of whom were laid-off on how to pay them and settle other outstanding debts. With the assistance of some dedicated collaborators in the likes of Mr. Francoise Ondoa and Dr. Nkwenti Joseph et al, D.G. Doume settled down to real business, paying outstanding debts and renovating the structures to accommodate customers, some of whom had taken french leave.

Ayaba Hotel is the place

One of the bueatiful innovations in AyabaA recent visit to Ayaba Hotel, Bamenda made some interesting revelations. Ayaba Hotel has witnessed an impressive facelift by every imagination, from the reception, to the lifts, card key locks, the rooms that include the Presidential Suit, Ministerial apartments as well as rooms that range from FCFA 20.000 to FCFA 100.000. The 3 Star Ayaba Hotel is surely the preferred place for social rejuvenation in the North West and one of the best in the country.

The kitchen, laundering services, tailoring section for beddings including an Olympic standard swimming pool, court yard with well luxurious lawns, flower beds and tree gardens add more splendour to the beauty of Ayaba Hotel.

Because of the satisfactory comfort and laudable services in Ayaba Hotel, the place is being flooded by clients from all walks of life, including the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Ministers, General Managers, Cameroonians and foreign guests with seminars and conferences holding regularly. Ayaba Hotel is now the place, the place for the haves and the moderates.

It is where satisfaction is and a visit here will never be regretted because all that gives satisfaction in a world class hotel is in Ayaba Hotel, Bamenda. Olympic standard swimming poolTelephone and wireless WI-FI services, Plasma T.V., spacious rooms, Bar/Restaurant, tennis court adorned by the beautiful environment of Ayaba Hotel are evidently plausible achievements of the present Director General. Most of the staff The Star spoke to said their salaries have been increased by the present Director General.

Most workers expressed satisfaction at the management prowess of their Director General whom they described as simple and fatherly, saying they were very happy with the increase in their salaries.

Last stop

To better serve its customers without bottlenecks, the Director General opened a sizable farm, with fowls, rabbits and a piggery. Most of the chickens consumed in the hotel are from the hotel poultry. There is even a bee farm that will sooner or later produce honey. There is also a plantain farm that will eventually feed the hotel in the coming months.

In fact, from every indication, D.G. Doume Zacharie is simplistic and an unassuming administrator with a vision to make Ayaba Hotel a safe haven for their numerous customers and tourists. He has so far invested FCFA 150 million francs to get Ayaba Hotel to its present state, with more still to be done.
