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CMR to produce 6000 mw of electricity by 2025


Wed, 15 Oct 2014 Source: APA

Cameroon plans to produce 6000 megawatts (mw) of electricity over the next ten years, according to forecasts by the Ministry of water and energy for which the country is "on track" for the materialization of this program.

Experts are working on the issue of the run-up to the work of validation of the 'white paper' on the sub-regional energy programme of the countries of the economic community of Central Africa States.

To get there, the country has committed for the past five years, energy in both projects of the construction of hydroelectric dams as thermal power plants, is not to mention a good source of renewable energy.

In 2020, Cameroon is expected to produce more than 3000 MW of electricity, and everything suggests that projects planned to start next year will help boost energy production of the country.

Currently, Cameroon which is the most important energy reserve of the continent after the Democratic Republic of the Congo has only 1000 MW installed, which barely covers 45 percent of the electricity needs.

In this project, Cameroon benefits from the expertise of the Programme for United Nations development (programme UNDP) through its project, called "the decade energy 2014-2024".

Source: APA