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CONSUPE look into the execution of projects in the North

Sat, 19 Jul 2014 Source:

The higher State controller (CONSUPE) has embarked on an investigation since July 16, on the use of 39.6 billion CFA FRANCS allocated to some projects in the regions of the North and the far north of Cameroon. These projects, 714 in total, including 417 for the far North and 287 for North, had been enrolled in the public investment Budget of the 2010 and 2011 fiscal years.

In a brief note relating to these field missions, published by the CONSUPE yesterday, we learn that this transaction fits in the context of the implementation of the 2014 roadmap of the institution "duly approved by the President of the Republic".

The control of the execution of the public investment budget of 2010 and 2011 in the regions of the North and far North follows a control initiated since July 22, 2013 in the regions of the Centre East and South, says the Minister delegate at the Presidency in charge of State control.

Henri Eyebe Ayissi said that officials of public administrations involved in the execution of public investment budgets at the level of State structures as well as at the level of the decentralized territorial communities, bring on themselves prosecution and disciplinary sanctions. This remark was made on the premise that some officials misuse public resources meant for the realization of national infrastructure and social amenities.

CONSUPE wants to give consent to an observation made by the head of State in his "speech to the Nation" December 31, 2013. Paul Biya in his speech asked the question, "How can one explain that no area of our territory can display an implementation rate of greater than 50% public investment budget?", making reference to the slow pace at which the administration in the implementation of the projects is being executed.
