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Camair Co Aircrafts grounded

Boeing 737 300 De Camair Co Camair-Co Boeing 767

Wed, 21 Dec 2016 Source:

For a week now, the Cameroonian airline company, Camair Co, has no presence in the sky. The five aircraft in the fleet of this airline facing huge management and financial difficulties, are grounded for various reasons.

“The Boeing 767 is grounded due to navigation issues. A 737 is in South Africa and should be back in the fleet by the end of the next week. For the other 737, which is grounded, we will receive the necessary equipment to have it back in service surely by the end lf next week. The two MA60 are operational. It is just that their crews have gone back to China to renew their licence”, revealed Ernest Dikoum, MD of Camair Co.

At the same time, we learned from media sources, the public Cameroonian airline is in the process of disbursing FCfa 11 billion to definitely acquire, by January 2017, the two Boeing 737 which it is currently using, to take out the rent charges Camair Co often has problems paying.

The funds, according to our sources, come from a pre-payment given to the management of the company by the Cameroonian State, as part of the implementation of the first phase of the stimulus plan for Camair Co developed by the American firm Boeing.
