Chinese mine operators create association in CMR


Wed, 3 Sep 2014 Source: Ecofin Agency

The first leaders of the association of Chinese operators in the mining sector in Cameroon were officially presented August 30, 2014 in Yaoundé, on the sidelines of the presentation ceremony of the members of the new bureau of the Chamber of commerce China-Cameroon.

This association of Chinese mining operators, does not only aim to defend the interests of the Chinese on the mining sites of Cameroon, but also to sensitize these operators to comply with the mining legislation in force in the country.

As a reminder, the Cameroonian Government usually accuse foreign mining operators of flouting the legislation governing mining activity in the country, including destroying of the environment and operating clandestinely in the mining fields.

We remember for example that in March, during a tour in the field, Margueritte Ndeh, the departmental delegate of Mines for the Lom and Djerem, in the eastern region, fell on five Chinese mining companies, who exercised illegally, only companies like sociétés Gipo Mining, Ging Ma SA, D’or de lion, Danshang Ming and Fuhaï Ming, had urgently ordered to comply with the regulations in force.

Source: Ecofin Agency