Cmr to invest 6.5 bn FCFA in 2015 in family-run agricultural projects


Thu, 19 Feb 2015 Source: Business in Cameroon

Steered by the Cameroonian Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Ministers, the Family Farm Competitiveness Improvement Programme (ACEFA in French) intends to invest 6.5 billion FCFA to finance eligible projects.

In its pilot phase, the ACEFA enabled the financing of 1,500 projects to the tune of 5 billion FCFA. This first phase was limited to 10 departments in Cameroon from 2008 to 2012. In the framework of the second phase, which ran from 2013-2016, the programme was expanded to all 58 departments.

During this second phase, the programme’s managers anticipate “a visible increase in revenue for the 250,000 participating farmers. According to estimates, additional agricultural revenue should lie somewhere between 21 and 48 billion FCFA and jobs created in agriculture are expected to be between 50,000 and 100,000.”

Source: Business in Cameroon