Contraband goods impounded, shops sealed

Shop Store Goods in a shop

Fri, 4 Dec 2015 Source:

Large quantities of imported sweet drinks, frozen chicken and other fraudulently-imported goods and contraband have been impounded. The Littoral Regional Delegation of Trade impounded the goods recently following measures to prevent price hikes and artificial scarcity throughout this festive period.

Some of the products include ‘Steaz drinks’, which were found to have expired since 2012, but were still being sold until last week in Douala. The shops where the drinks were sold in Akwa and some warehouses in Bonapriso have been sealed. Several other products seized during regular checks in markets and other commercial centres will be destroyed.

According to Omgba Belinga Simon, Littoral Regional Delegate of Trade, the measure is part of efforts to ensure the availability of foodstuff and basic products at affordable prices. Through partnerships with some local businessmen, the Regional Delegation has made available for sale to the public rice, flour, cooking oil, plantain and soap, among other basic products. The products are available at the Regional Trade Delegation in Akwa.

The objective is to guard against hikes in basic necessities and products and ensure availability throughout this festive period. The measures include regular visits to markets and other commercial areas in the region and impounding products of doubtful quality in order to prevent health hazards associated with their consumption. There are also mobile promotional sales of essential commodities in collaboration with some businesses in order to empower low-income households to secure just enough for the feasts.
