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Customs - New Toll-free Number Available

Thu, 21 Jun 2012 Source: Cameroon Tribune

Through 8044, malpractices in the Customs sector will be reduced.

The Customs Ethics and Governance Promotion Committee (CPEG) put in place to enhance the performance of the department by facilitating access to its services has made known a new toll-free number by which members of the public can lodge their complaints on any malpractices.

The new toll-free number, 8044, is shorter and accessible through all the telecommunications networks in the country as compared to the first that was long (88203030), partially free and accessible only to CAMTEL users. The new number is open to users, Customs staff and stakeholders round the clock and all-week long.

At a press conference in Yaounde on Wednesday June 20, 2012, the President of CPEG, Hon. Daniel Abate said the call centre situated in the General Directorate of Customs in Yaounde will receive and forward complaints to the right quarters and solutions given within 48 hours; barring any telephone network hitches.

Hon. Abate promised that culprits will be sanctioned by the General Directorate of Customs, the Ministries of Finance and Public Service and Administrative Reforms through the disciplinary board, depending on the gravity of the accusations. The eradication of fraud, corruption and malpractices, it is hoped, will go a long way to promote integrity and good governance in Cameroon Customs.

Source: Cameroon Tribune