Experts examine reasons for under consumption of C2D funds

Wed, 12 Mar 2014 Source: CRTV

Members of the technical committee in charge of the implementation of the French debt relief program - c2d and officials of the French development agency have resolved to revamp the second phase of the c2d program.

The decision was arrived at the end of a two day workshop in Kribi in the Ocean Division of the South Region.

The meeting which was attended by 100 heads of sectoral programs heads of public contracts units, financial controllers and accountants from different ministries involved in the execution of the C2D program in Cameroon.

The meeting was attended by the Minister of Finance, Alamine Ousmane Mey and the Director of the French Development Agency, Herve Conan.

The workshop was a singular opportunity to examine the problems that impede on the smooth implementation of the program specially designed to boost the economy.

Source: CRTV