Food Cooperative to Enhance Marketing in NW

Mon, 7 Apr 2014 Source: Cameroon Tribune

The Delegate of Agriculture and Rural Development launched the initiative on April 4, 2014.

On the strength of Registration No NW/CO/001/13/15114 of 27/02/2013 farmers in Bafut Sub division and beyond now sound off with a friendly cooperative to enhance production and marketing of their produce.

In effect, the Regional Delegate of Agriculture and Rural Development, Godfrey Nutoto, on April 4, 2014, launched the Friendly Multipurpose Produce and Marketing Cooperative (FMFOOD COOP) with a message of encouragements to remain steadfast and rise to expectation in improving the livelihood of farmers. He used the rare event to challenge the new friendly cooperative to stand solidly by farmers and stated the commitment of the Minister of Agriculture to give members a fresh push with farm tools, fertilisers and other logistics. The Delegate was in Bafut with wheelbarrows, fertilizer, machetes, sprayers and hoes, amongst others to encourage FMFOOD cooperative farm groups.

The friendly food cooperative is a product of the Friendly Multipurpose Common Initiative Group (FMCIG) that seeks to empower youths and women. The Board Chairman, Ambe Cletus Tumbuh said FMFOOD Cooperative is born to facilitate the acquisition of small loans for the development of initiatives by member groups. FMFOOD Cooperative also works towards the creation of demonstration farms, organisation of production activities for value chain products and the development of marketing strategies for produce. FMFOOD Cooperative is open to all farming groups that demonstrate goodwill.

The event featured a delegation of farmers from Bamessing in Ngoketungia Division with gifts and appreciations to FMCIG for investing in the development of people.

Source: Cameroon Tribune