Gicam opens-up the debate on updating companies for EPAs


Fri, 23 May 2014 Source:

From May 30 to June 1, 2014, Cameroon’s business leader organisation, GICAM Le will be holding the third “Gicam University” event.

This meeting of universities, economic operators and other consultants will be held under the theme: “EPA and business updating”, in relation to the approaching enforcement (Cameroon has until October 2014 to ratify the agreement signed with the EU) of Economic Partnership Agreements with European Union.

Over three days, participants in this managers’ meeting with the university sphere will have the opportunity to engage in discussions surrounding themes such as “Competitiveness: implicatiosS for the EPAs and national economy, Cameroon and the ratification of the EPAs, company competitiveness and updating, support for international re-orientation of Cameroonian companies, approaching EPAs and meeting norms within the EPA context…”.

“An efficient tool to aide managers with decision-making,” according to GICAM, these GICAM University events are an annual meeting which “enable businesses to face the new ideas and practices in order to improve their performance,” explain organisers.
