Gov't and Trade Unions embark on intense negotiations

Sat, 5 Jul 2014 Source:

The Government and the trade unions have embarked on intense negotiations after the increase in the price of hydrocarbons, a measure entered into force for three days. The Government is trying to get the unionists to uplift the general strike scheduled to take effect next Monday.

After six hours of discussion with the Government, the trade unionists, who seem to have taken note of the measure to increase the price of fuel and domestic gas, outbid in their turn.

"We have demanded the increase in the price of transport whether in the urban or inter urban sector. We have requested the withdrawal of the motorized platoons.

We asked that we try to upgrade the minimum wage at least 150,000 CFA francs, "claims Pierre Nyemeck, president of the General Confederation of trade unions of transport of Cameroon (CGSTC).

Consumers, who in the end will have to untie their purse strings, also go there for their proposals, detailed Delor Magellan Kamgaing, National president of the Cameroon League of consumers (LCC): "We wear a black outfit to reflect the feeling which is that of frustration of consumers. We want and we will propose to the Government accompanying measures for example the pricing structure: there are 120 francs dedicated to the special tax. In these 120 francs, the State has quite a luxurious lifestyle and we must see how to reduce."

Ultimately, if the Government will not yield to these requirements before Sunday, the trade unions are clear: the strike will be maintained.
