Internal Audit - Douala City Council Seeks Efficiency

Thu, 28 Nov 2013 Source: Cameroon Tribune

The Supreme State Audit Office will train the Council's officials.

Experts specialized in internal audit at the Supreme State Audit Office (CONSUPE) will in the next three years offer continuous training programmes to personnel of the Douala City Council (CUD). This is within the framework of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in Yaounde on November 26, 2013 by CONSUPE boss, Henri Eyebe Ayissi and CUD Government Delegate, Dr. Fritz Ntone Ntone.

Henri Eyebe Ayissi said that on the instruction of the Head of State, Paul Biya, CONSUPE has opted to focus on preventing bad public financial governance by training and building the capacities of managers and personnel of government services and public entities. This, he noted, was besides, its classical and permanent audit and control missions, which result in disciplinary and financial sanctions against managers and controllers of public funds, and where appropriate, in referrals to the court.

Fritz Ntone Ntone voiced his commitment to put the amateurish management of public finances far from his institutions. "No one jokes with serious things," he said, reiterating that credibility, efficiency and accountability remained their modus operandis as the entire CUD arsenal work to accomplish the Head of State's vision 2035. To overcome all of this, Fritz Ntone Ntone said technical expertise in the management of funds was indispensable.

According to the terms of reference of the MoU, CONSUPE is expected to put at the disposal of CUD experienced personnel who master internal audit concepts, and are ready to impart trainees. CONSUPE is also expected to draw up through its mandated experts, methodological and technical supports for pilot audits in the execution of CUD projects. CUD, on its part, is expected to respect the terms of the MoU to the letter, ensuring that the three-year programme is efficiently implemented with diligence and commitment under the supervision of experienced, qualified personnel. CUD is also expected to submit to CONSUPE and the local tutelage institution, progress reports on the implementation of the programme.

Source: Cameroon Tribune