New Publication Promoting Job Creation

Mon, 27 May 2013 Source: Cameroon Tribune

The 221-page essay launched in the economic capital focuses on the useful transformation of acquired skills.

During a solemn book launch at the Douala French Institute, on Tuesday May 21, the public was presented to a new publication. Written by Essomba Fouda, the Regional Pedagogic Inspector for West Region, the book is titled: "Réforme, emploi et développement dans le système éducatif d'Afrique noire: le cas du Cameroun," translated "Reform, employment and development in the educational system in black Africa: case study Cameroon." Targeting the youth population, the text aims at guiding future leaders on job creation based on acquired skills or experience.

Inspired by government's strife to attain emergence by 2035, led by President Paul Biya, Essomba Fouda explains that there is need to address the problems faced by youth today, especially in knowledge acquisition, a sine qua none to development. He added that, his 21-year experience in the pedagogic sector has permitted his to identify the difficulties youth encounter on a daily basis, especially upon completing their studies. He decried the non-integration of the student population upon graduation, which situation is chaotic for the country's developmental efforts. The author further stressed on the need to match theoretical knowledge with field realities so as to facilitate future leaders' insertion into the job market. Thus, in a 221-page essay in the French language, published by Harmattan, the author proposes solutions to match up Cameroon's educational system with evolving trends.

Essomba Fouda graduated from the Higher National Teachers' Training College in 1992 with a diploma in Philosophy. He has taught in several schools before being promoted as Regional Pedagogic Inspector for the then Far North Province in 2005. Presently he serves in the same capacity in the West Region, since 2012.

Source: Cameroon Tribune