PMUC boss corrupting Malian president?


Fri, 25 Jul 2014 Source:

In an article published by the Malian newspaper “l’ Independent” on Tuesday and relayed by, Djiguiba Keita, the Secretary General of the Party for National Renaissance (PARENA), the Malian opposition, reveals it "is evidence the PMU Cameroon pays the bills of a French company, which ensures the safety of the President of Mali."

“Where is the pride of Mali?" Asks himself the leader of the Malian opposition highlighting the relationship between the Malian Head of State and Michel Tomi (a French businessman described as the "King of the gaming industry in Africa"), who has had some cases with the French justice for various alleged offences.

As founder of the Pari Mutuel Urbain (PMU), a French economic interest group that specialises on horse racing, which has 57 companies worldwide, including in Cameroon (PMUC), Michel Tomi has been under investigation in France since June 20.

According to various media in his country, the king of the gaming industry first came under fire for alleged acts of money laundering, tax evasion and abuse of social goods.

Before that, in April 2014, the French justice extended its investigation of the facts of "bribery of a foreign public official" in relation to the close links between the Corsican businessman and the current head of the Malian state.

Interviewed in May by the Pan-African weekly “Jeune Afrique”, he described Michel Tomi, as a brother.

“You will have to explain to me how you can corrupt a president who earns more than you," said Tomi last June, speaking on the subject in the French weekly Le Point.
