Rainy weather could delay Lom Pangar impounding


Fri, 3 Apr 2015 Source: Business in Cameroon

70%. That’s how far the Lom Pangar dam’s construction has reached in the East region of Cameroon. This was announced on March 27, 2015 after a site visit paid by Théodore Nsangou, the Managing Director of Electricity Development Corporation (EDC), the company implementing the project.

Everything appears to be on target to meet the partial impounding deadline scheduled for September 2015. The only unknown for the EDC and CWE is the weather.

Indeed, the rainy season, which started in mid-March in Cameroon and should last three months, promises to be a rough one. In addition, the construction site leaders fear that heavy rains will halt the gains made on the site and postpone the September 2015 deadline.

Source: Business in Cameroon