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Saturnin Bile, makes a living from cocoa farming


Thu, 14 Aug 2014 Source: Cameroon Tribune

All through his 40 years of existence, the cocoa farmer draws from this activity substantial revenues to improve his standard of living. "Each year, there is in dire need techniques to achieve something with money from cocoa. This is the motive of Saturnin Gauthier Bile, cacao farmer, son and great grandson of the village, Nkoetye-Mbil-Bekon.

The old man of 40 years of age, is trying to finance the construction of a six-room duplex from the koney generated from the sale of cocoa. The duplex of Bile is already on foot and lacks only final touches. "I will soon leave the old kitchen where my parents lived... ", he says with a touch of pride.

For all these years Saturnin Bile explained, has greatly depended on cocoa. When he felt the need to extend his plantation, he received funding from the Ministry of Agriculture and rural development (Minader).

Moreover, this allowed him to build modern, more durable, dryers in the form of those traditionally called "buses". During the year, his equation has been very simple, he first of all solved the issue of labor through the members of the federation "Fug Nnem Wua".

Problems, for him, are commensurate with the sacrifices to make for a production estimated at between 6 and 6.5 tons annually for four years. These problems are, in addition to the scarcity of labour, the issue of inputs and the fight against the capsids, brown rot and insects of all kinds.

In total its 6.5 tons, after deduction of the expenses related to the production, a net income of 7 million. This allows him to continue the implementation of its projects, not only in the construction of his house, but also and above all, the Organization of the consolidation of cocoa farmers in order to begin exports and the production of improved seeds of cocoa.

Source: Cameroon Tribune