The race for the polyvalent terminal at the Kribi deep water port is on

Kribi Dam

Thu, 15 May 2014 Source:

The five pre-qualified companies for a public-private partnership for the contract to cover maintenance and operation of the polyvalent terminal at the Kribi deep water port under construction in southern Cameroon have until July 8, 2014 to make their bids to the project’s steering committee in Yaoundé.

This was indicated in the call for tenders made by the chairman of the steering committee, Louis Paul Motazé (photo), which advises candidates that each bid must be accompanied by “a guarantee of 200 million FCfa which must be disbursed within 180 days of the bid deadline.”

Following a call for expressions of interest made by the project’s steering on November 13, 2013, five companies were already shortlisted according to results published on March 7, 2014.

The finalists are Necotrans-KPMO (Cameroon), International Container Terminal Services Inc. (Philippines), Société d’exploitation des ports-Marsa (Morocco), Sea Invest- CLGG (France) and APM Terminals BV (Netherlands). The first boat is officially expected to dock at Kribi deep water port in June 2014.
