Toll Gates: Workers demand bonus increase

Toll Gate Collector In Cameroon Toll gate collector in Cameroon

Sun, 20 Dec 2015 Source:

In addition to the irregularity of their bonuses, the toll gates employees have complained about their insufficient bonuses.

In 2014, the Edea toll station produced more than 651 million FCFA in revenue, according to the Central Accounting Agency of the Treasury.

“The overall bonuses of 12 agents operating in this position was just over 3million FCFA or approximately 5% of revenue generated during the year,” L’Economie reported on Friday, December 18, 2015.

According to indiscretions, the chief of post receives, in detail, an annual bonus of about 430,000 FCFA, which is 35 000 FCFA per month, and toll collectors officers each received 258,000 FCFA annually, almost 21 000 FCFA per month.

“In principle, we must receive quarterly bonuses. But it’s always late in the year that everything is paid, while billions of FCFA are regularly paid in the state coffers," said a toll collector officer to the newspaper.

Conversely, agents do not have the same language. The payment of their bonuses are paid quarterly as agreed. In addition, each chief of post receives a bonus of 150 000 FCFA every month. The Nkometou toll station, for example, had 34 million FCFA annual revenue in 2014, much less than the toll station of Edea.

“Because of the pressure of the results brought on us by the toll gate staff, we produce more than what is needed, but yet, we are not treated well in return,” fumed a toll collector officer.
