Truck drivers discuss welfare


Thu, 28 Aug 2014 Source: Cameroon Tribune

Members of the National Syndicate of Road Transporters (SNTRC) met yesterday, August 27, 2014 in Yaounde to elect a new executive bureau of the association as well as discuss issues affecting the smooth functioning of the association.

Opening the session was the President of SNTRC, Honourable Pierre Sime who lauded the operations of truck owners despite challenges of insecurity and high price of fuel.

A member of the disciplinary committee of the association, Daniel Toge said due to modifications on the functioning of the executive bureau, this necessitated an extraordinary session to regularise the status of the current bureau whose mandate had expired.

During yesterday’s session, the members examined the new status of the association as well as certain abnormalities with regard to indiscipline within the association.

The meeting was an opportunity for members to also look at some problems affecting the sector such as the interruption of non-truck operators who get into the sector because of special commission but are not truck operators. Truck operators also decry the transport fare of goods which has not been negotiated the way it has to be.

As such, transporters loss a lot since they are not paid the real price for any transportation. Another important issue raised by the transporters is that of insecurity particularly in the Central African Republic and the Northern part of Cameroon.

Source: Cameroon Tribune