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Ema Foundation organizes business trip to CMR

Ema Invest

Mon, 8 Sep 2014 Source:

The follow-up Committee for the 9th edition of the Ema Investment Forum, to be organised on 3 and 4 October 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland with Cameroon as a guest of honor, organizes a business and investments trip in Cameroon from 24 to 27 September 2014, announced the Ema Foundation.

"Cameroon is a particularly good target country for this forum, in the sense that it presents relatively attractive financial fundamentals (little debt, human resources quality, stability, etc.)." There is also significant potential in the three families of raw materials: agricultural, mining, and energy.

The Guest of honor status, beyond the visibility it provides, allows to organize meetings of specific business for this country," stated Yasmine Bahri Domon, President of the Ema Foundation, organizer of the said forum, to justify the status of guest of honor in Cameroon.

At the end of this business meeting dedicated to Cameroon, which had brought together 150 participants, including 50 Swiss companies, travel business organized by the Monitoring Committee is not only to assess, or even boost the level of progress of projects announced during the forum, but also to ensure, overall, "the smooth relations between Swiss entrepreneurs, economic actors and local authorities.

As a reminder, the benefits of the 9th forum Ema Invest, it can cite the public announcement made by the president of Addax Oryx& Group, Jean-Claude Gandur, wish to reproduce in Cameroon, the investment in biofuel (267 million euros of investments) he has already done it successfully in Sierra Leone, which will produce 100,000 tons of ethanol by the end of the year. At the same time, tree Capital was committed to develop a 50 MW in solar and 50 MW wind energy project in Cameroon.
