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Five cattle thieves arrested in Ouli

Thu, 11 Dec 2014 Source: Cameroon Tribune

They operated in the border towns of Kette, Kentzou and Ouli. According to police sources, the band was dismantled in border communities in the Central African Republic last weekend.

These cattle thieves threatened shepherds in Kette, Kentzou and Ouli camps.

After the careful exploitation of the captives, they were taken to Batouri, where they have all been placed in custody in the gendarmerie cells.

Some of them were caught hand in the bag, while others when they were preparing to sell their loot in local markets.

This feat is one of the results of the security measures recently taken by the prefect of the Kadey, Emmanuel Halpha, in order to secure the border areas. The joint patrols continue, throughout the Department

Source: Cameroon Tribune