Photo used for Illustrative purpose
His Royal Highness André Flaubert Nana has been arrested and put behind bars by elements of the Bana Gendarmerie Brigade. He was arrested Tuesday following a sentence in 2015 to five years imprisonment and fine of FCFA 70 million for his role in the Batch Vs Batchingou boundary crisis which led to the death of Comedian Samuel Djonkou, son of Batcha, popularly known as Jean Batcha.
The Batchingou Mountain is the bone of contention and that fateful 13 May when the Mount Batchingou race was programmed, tension mounted at the level of Ndouck.
Villagers who held local produced guns fire at each other and a stray bullet hit and killed Jean Batcha. Eric Ngongang, Hilaire Tiengang Nganso, Bruno Seido, William Henri Patchadji, were all injured and transported to the Yaoundé military hospital.
The Fon of Batchingou could be paying the prize of his decision to organize the Mount Batchingou race when administration of Haut Nkam and NDE had refused with a joint letter served to the Fon on November 5,2014. HRH Andre Flaubert had harassed his counterpart of Batcha last year during same event. The mountain linking both Fondoms has been an object of disagreement .The dispute les jean le morroir