Why President Biya is afraid to leave power

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 Source: Bouddih Adams

Newspaper publisher, Magnus’ assertion that President Paul Biya is afraid of going on retirement because he is afraid, for himself and his family, of the wrath Cameroonian people will discharge at them if he leaves power, is bitterly interesting.

First of all, it is pure magnum opus. Secondly, he is, willy-nilly, admitting that President Biya has wronged the Cameroonian people, profoundly.

Even if President Biya stays in power, because he fears for himself and his family, he will still die someday and his family will still suffer for his wrongs against the people. He had better made hay while the sun is still shinning.

The issue is not with Cameroonians, but with Biya himself. It is not Cameroonians who are scared. It is him for the things he has done against Cameroonians and their will every other time. So, the ball is in Biya’s court. He should be the one to come to the people and negotiate his immunity and security, organise free and fair elections, back no candidate but allow the choice of the people – he would be forgiven.

Is further clinging to power not making Cameroonians angrier? The longer he sticks to power, the angrier Cameroonians will be. The more ire Cameroonians will spew on his family after his passing on.

But if he heeds to the call by these clowns who are calling for him for their own selfish interests, then he does not fear for his family.

That is why, we agree with Gregoire Owona, the Minister of Labour and Social Security and Deputy Secretary General of the ruling CPDM, that those calling for Biya to put in his candidature for the 2018 Presidential election are buffoons.

Such buffoons have been running around the country, spending huge sums of money to organise meetings and marches to call on Biya to be their candidate at the next Presidential election.

Owona seems to be the only intellectual among the lot who has read and knows the party’s constitution. He argues that he sees no sense in calling on Biya to be the CPDM candidate when that is normally what will happen.

To those who are asking Biya to call early election, Owona argues that, by law, the next Presidential election is scheduled to hold in 2018.

Meantime, Magnus’ press conference was going on while the social media was awash with the announcement by Angolan President, Jose Eduardo Dos Santos, that he will organise elections in the same 2018 and leave power. Since then, the unending discussions on social media have been that Dos Santos has come to the realisation that it is better to leave power than for power to leave you.

We have told President Biya to stop these people who are making all of this noise, rule till the end of his mandate, organise free, fair and credible election, back or favour no candidate and then handover to the winner. Otherwise he can reconcile with Cameroonians, take early retirement and organise free, fair and credible election.

Instead of wasting money to organise marches under the guise of the “people’s call,” if Biya wants to know the veritable call of the people, the call of the masses, the entire people’s call (not the CPDM people’s call), let him ask Cameroonians in all the towns across the country, to come out and demonstrate peacefully (Without Destroying Anything), for or against him running, then, he would see what the people’s true call is.

At least, nobody will ask for transport fare to take part in the demonstration, nobody will send buses and trucks to ferry the demonstrators to the town, no money will be spent on food and drink against the participation, the press will not ask for ‘gombo’ before covering such a demonstration. That, he can be sure of.

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Auteur: Bouddih Adams