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Another Time of Shedding Tears for Easter Celebrants Just Passed!! (Part 2)

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Wed, 8 Apr 2015 Source: Nngming Bongle Bapuohyele

So then, immediately after the body of Yahushua HaMashakhYahu was laid to rest in a tomb, nobody in Yisroel could go out to visit his tomb for two full days—the 14 and 15 Nisan—because the anti-work Shabbat law forbids people from walking beyond a certain length of distance!

Though Nisan 16 is within the seven day long Chag HaMatzot, it is not a Shabbat. In other words, one can feast in it and, at the same time, work. And so, if we go by the accounts of Markos (Mark) 16:1 and Lukas (Luke) 23:56, then, it was only on this day since the Savior’s burial that the spices that Miryam of Magdala (Mary Magdalene) and some other women took to the tomb in their pursuit of embalming the body of the Savior “when the Shabbat was past”, could have been procured in shops that were partially opened, and then prepared!!

However, they might have ended the laborious preparation of these spices, in days without milling machines, at a time too late in the day for them to visit the tomb to embalm the Savior’s body. As darkness crept upon them, in days when solar lanterns or battery-powered torches were yet to be known, they could only wait for an opportune daylight period to visit the tomb.

Even though these women now had with them the much needed spices with which to embalm the body of the Savior as at the time of the darkness that ended Nisan 16, they were ushered into the commencement of Nisan 17, a seventh day Shabbat! Nisan 17 is the date scheduled by Yahuwah Elohiym before the foundations of the Earth were laid, on which He would resurrect His holiest and loyal and obedient son in whom He is well pleased.

This day, because it was a seventh day of the week Shabbat, Miryam of Magdala and her friends could not visit the tomb. All this while, they were literally sitting on tenterhooks, as their desire to pay their last respects to the body of the Savior seemed be thwarted by the many Shabbats associated with the feast Pesach and the Chag HaMatzot, within which also fell one normal seventh day (Saturday) Shabbat! Their earliest opportunity was the breaking of dawn of the already running first day of the week (Sunday) and hence their marathon race to the tomb that dawn.

So then, the Savior rested from all his work on the seventh day Shabbat as he walked out of the tomb leading his holy and loyal malakhim (angels) in a glorious celebration of victory over Lucifer, sin and death!! Oh, what glory!!

While this celebration by Yahushua HaMashakhYahu and his malakhim went on, all in Yisroel were asleep in their homes unaware of happenings at the tomb of the Savior since they were in a Shabbat rest that was to last till the next evening, which would commence the first day of the week (Sunday)!

This Sunday is what Christian theologians and Clergymen have erroneously taught their followers for over 1,700 years of Christianity that they should believe to be the resurrection day of the true Savior, when this Sunday was, in fact, one complete day behind the actual hour Yahushua HaMashakhYahu the only begotten Son of Yahuwah Elohiym resurrected!

Note that when Miryam of Magdala got to the tomb of the Savior at the dawn of the first day of the week (Sunday), this first day of the week had already traversed twelve hours from the previous evening, when it started, to this dawn hour, and the Savior’s resurrection had already taken place! Miryam of Magdala did not watch the Savior come out of the tomb before here very eyes that dawn!!

We must always bear in mind that, since the Savior was indeed laid to rest at sunset, his first complete day in the tomb would fall on sunset. See? And so, his third complete day in the tomb must coincide with his sunset hour of burial. If the Savior remained in his tomb until a Sunday dawn, then he had obviously overslept for about twelve hours and would have been deemed to have failed to fulfill the sign of the navi Yonah!

And then, Lucifer would have, in jubilation, declared him an imposter; ridiculing and scorning the plan of Yahuwah Elohiym to save mankind from his (Lucifer’s) dominion; and with the redemption plan for mankind thus aborted or derailed, and with no Plan B from Yahuwah Elohiym, sinful mankind would have, all this while, remained without a Savior and would have still been steeped in sin! The resurrection of the Savior NEVER took place on any early morning of any Sunday as Christians think! It was impossible and illogical for the resurrection to have taken place on a Sunday and more so, in the morning. This, Christians must be taught to know and accept in humility, in correction to their wrong beliefs.

With the days of Nisan 13, 14, and 17 established in this teaching as being Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday respectively, we can work backward from Nisan 13 to determine the actual date that the Savior made his spectacular entry into Yerushalayim that drew all holy children of Yisroel into singing HalleluYahu, HalleluYahu, to Yahuwah Elohiym.

The key scripture reference in this determination is YahuChanan (John) 12:1 where we learn that six days to Pesach (Passover) Yahushua HaMashakhYahu passed the night at Bethany. Since Pesach is on Nisan 14, then the night the Savior spent in Bethany must be on Nisan 8. After the Savior had spent almost all the daylight hours that followed this night sleep, socializing in Bethany, is when he then left for Yarushalayim. We are told his entry into Yerushalayim was on the next day, which must be in or about the sunset hour in which Nisan 9 started.

By Torah law,—cf. Shemot (Exodus) 12:3-6—every Pesach lamb is picked from among the flocks of sheep or goats as Nisan 10 starts in the evening and held in captivity till its day of slaughter on Nisan 14 for its meat to be available for Chag HaMatzot of Nisan 14.

After the Savior entered Yarushalayim from Bethany, he then became literally quarantined within the wall of the Holy City for the mandatory four-day period at which the Pesach lamb is held toward its slaughtering every year. The Savior fulfilled this requirement on Nisan 13 and so was sacrificed on this day, so his body would be available for all to enjoy on the actual Pesach day of Nisan 14!

So then, the day the Savior entered Yerushalayim to a great welcome by HalleluYahu, HalleluYahu singers, and to the waving of palm fronds, was a Friday and not the so-called Palm Sun-Day of Christianity. In all of this, any Maundy Thursday of some Christian denominations becomes invisible and irrelevant to the saving faith!!

All the celebrations of error and falsehood in a Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday have come as man-made replacements to feasts established by the power and will of Yahuwah Elohiym for His obedient children.

Sad to think that it is Lucifer, the arch enemy of Yahuwah Elohiym, who has tricked mankind into this error of relishing in celebrations that annoy the Creator! Lucifer has sworn “to change times and laws” set by Yahuwah Elohiym—cf. DaniEl (Daniel) 7:25—and seems to be succeeding in his resolve!!

When mankind refuses to be warned by the Word of Yahuwah Elohim that, whatever is done without faith is sin—that is, anything done without His express instruction, is sin (cf. Romans 14:23)—mankind is yet to wise-up in doing things without the mandate of the Most High One!!

This saddens the heart of every true servant of Yahuwah Elohiym to the point of drawing tears to their eyes as they watch people celebrate Easter in ignorance every year! My prayer is that this generation gets their eyes opened to the Truth so they may escape the huge disappointment many are soon to face at the end time judgment of Yahuwah Elohiym. Shalom aleikhem!

The writer is an author. His website address is http://sbpra.com/ChrisBapuohyele

Auteur: Nngming Bongle Bapuohyele