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Cameroonians must hear this

Mon, 11 Jan 2016 Source: Writtam-Pen

Happy Sunday country people!! Do you know that this country is sick? I thought IMF Director General came with a remedy yet do no ask me what she brought to Cameroon.

I hear Madame Christine Lagarde instead recommended that Popol should stop the giant projects. Why? No one can really say why. After all, Cameroonians are resilience.

Country people, this incident, and unpredictable man. We should therefore not be surprised to see him behave like the lion man whom he is. Popol may just jump from his thicket and take his victims unaware.

To put it short, he is surely preparing to carry out some high profile arrests again? Popol is wonder man, have you heard that last week, the General Manager of the Douala Port Authority, Etoundi Owono, who was in Europe for medical attention will appear before judges for allegedly siphoning state funds?

I hear the frail looking Bapes Bapes also will be heading for the Special Criminal Tribunal next week? Please don’t tell anyone that I said it.

Do Anglophones have a voice in Cameroon? I am sure you will be taken aback by the abruptness of this question.

Let me repeat: do you think that Anglophones have a voice in this country? I ask this question because the other day newspaper reports predicted that John Ntarinkon is eyeing Ta Nformi Cameroon as next 'oga' of this country.

You know Anglophones too are very resilience. Susungi, the Presidential aspirant has just behaved like those Nigerian prophets. He just predicted that this is the time for Anglophones to produce the next Nkukuma of this country.

Young men and women nowadays are very funny. Some of them think that vandalism is an achievement. You saw what transpired in Mokolo market in Yaounde? It was strange that vandals armed with clubs and machetes invaded a police station to attack innocent people at the Mokolo market. I hear over 300 of them have been arrested and could be transferred to Kondengui soon.

You know these 'magidas' are also very droll. They behave like pigs at times. How come that the police, as they claimed, killed one of them who was nabbed in a stealing spray and they moved into the market to slice people like onions, looting shops, and vandalizing innocent people.

This year may not be a good one. I am not a prophet of doom but just wondering how we can open the year with bloody incidents. This is strange. Yesterday over 30 people died in a ghastly motor accident along the Bafoussam-Yaounde highway.

In fact, land conflict is also on the rise. In Bamenda, there is apparently tension between two villages at Mile 90.

Last week, the people of Njap in Nkambe Central were ambushed on their way to Ngong by vandals of Kamine village. They claim the disputed piece of land Ngong, a quarter of Njap is part of their village. One educated young underachiever whose Pa Tantoh has sent many young girls motherly told me he will offer me free lectures on the ethics/ journalism for reporting that incident. Journaliste competente et engager de mon etate? Just imagine?

To him, I was bias in my report yet when your Writtam-pen urged him to present his evidence, he dived into names callings. In our “intellectual war” I reminded him time and again that he is holding fire in his left hand and petrol in the other, and that when it will generate into a spark, he will not be able to control.

In fact, some people always think that in as much as they are closer to power or have the good fortune to be in Yaounde, they can do anything and go free. That is a big lie, Cameroon is a state of law and it is difficult to imagine that at this particular moment that insecurity is an acute problem, an elite will stand on tree tops to instigate conflict.

Auteur: Writtam-Pen