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Destroy Cloak Of Disgrace

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Tue, 23 Dec 2014 Source: Ebenezer Zor

“Then God remembered Rachel; he answered her prayer and made it possible for her to have children” Genesis 30:22

From the previous chapters we are told that Jacob went to his relative Laban to get himself a wife. Laban had two daughters; Leah the oldest and the youngest being Rachel. But Jacob fell in love with Rachel.

So he worked for seven years to get Rachel. After the years, Laban threw a wedding feast in midst of people to give her daughter Rachel’s hand in marriage. That night instead of Rachel, Laban took Leah to Jacob. The new couples spent the night together until the next morning Jacob discovers it was Leah.

He went to Laban and asked him; “Why did you tricked me”? Laban answered; per custom the younger woman is not allowed to marry first before the oldest one. It means Jacob had to work for another seven years to get Rachel.

After another seven years of hard work, Jacob finally married Rachel, the woman he wanted earlier. Jacob had two wives in addition to the two concubines of which one belonging to Leah and the other to Rachel.

Leah at a point gave Jacob children whereas on the other side of the coin Rachel could not bear any to Jacob. However, both sisters on certain occasions used their servants to bear Jacob children.

This piece is to let no know that God in heaven has not forsaken you in spite of all the current situations at hand. From the above scripture you could feel the kind of pain, frustration, oppression and humiliation Rachel went through. Yet she still kept her faith and hope in God.

Genesis 30:23 tells us that” She became pregnant and gave birth to a son, she said,’ God has taken away my disgrace by giving me a son. She named him Joseph”. Hallelujah!

Folks I encourage you not stop praying to God about your predicaments. Still continue to believe and trust in him for very soon he will answer your prayers and destroy the cloak of disgrace hanging around your neck for long. I pray that you may find solace in the Lord.


Dear father, thank you for making me understand that all things are possible through you and your son Jesus Christ. I believe that whatever problem I have now is just temporal and you have solved it and taken my disgrace away in Jesus’ Name. Amen

Auteur: Ebenezer Zor