SDF at 25: Why they celebrated

Biya Fru Ndi1 Fru Ndi (left) Biya (right)

Tue, 2 Jun 2015 Source: The Eye Newspaper

The SDF was not only celebrating their 25th Anniversary because it has moved the strongest democratic barriers and survived the storm with its objectives as a populist front.

To say the least, the SDF has achieved its objective. But like any other populist movement, the party has also recorded some ups and downs.

Yet SDF hierarchy succeeded in steering the ship out of the difficulty zones to a safer zone from being swallowed by the CPDM machinery. The overall indictors have proven that Ni John Fru has stood the test of time. “Papa Power” as he is affectionately called, has became the symbol of change in Cameroon and the “father of democracy”.

From May 1990 to date, 25 years down the line, the SDF stood firm by its ideals and maintained its position as leading opposition party in the country. The SDF has always emerged second in all elections it has participated in. To sum it all up, the SDF will be celebrating the following:

Civil Liberty, Freedom of Speech and Democracy

Before May 26, 2015, Cameroonians knew nothing about civil liberty or freedom of speech. That is why Albert Mukong was arrested alongside Yondo Black and a host of others for holding illegal meetings.

When Dr. Eyoh Ndumbe, Dr. Tata Mentan, Beatrice Annembom Monju , Ntemfac Ofege, Charlie Ndichia, Sam Nuvela Fonken and others were arrested on May 8, 1990 after their Cameroon Calling program which propagated the creation of a democratic party, they were arrested and detained. Anglo/Bamilike students invaded the campus of ASMAC and succeeded in causing their release.

Cameroonians defeated the fear of death even with the threats of Auto Defense, Manda Fils and Forchive agents. Even though in 25 years, the SDF has not been able to take over power, it has contributed enormously to civil liberty. Cameroonians are now free to create associations, NGOs and political parties.

The SDF has given room for the creation of more than 300 political parties. The outcome has been that the Biya regime was obliged to swallow the bitter pills by accepting democracy which guarantees civil liberty.

It is no more news that the SDF brought about and enhanced the freedom of speech. Hundreds of radio stations, TV channels and newspapers as well as, online publications now operate in the country.

The simple fact is that, the SDF participation in many elections in the country has helped in enhancing the democratic process. Within the SDF, democracy is always put to test as elections are conducted with transparent ballot boxes.

The single list system was also tested during the last party elections within the party. When the SDF advocated for an independent electoral body, its persistence led to the creation of ELECAM which Ni John Fru Ndi’s party still doubts its openness and independence.

Disclosure of Corruption and Embezzlement

When the SDF cried out loudly that some government officials were highly involved in corrupt practices and have been siphoning state funds into private pockets, the Biya regime asked for evidence. Not long after that, Cameroon won the corruption trophy 3 times.

The international community acknowledged the efforts of the leading opposition party to join in the crusade to pressurize the Biya regime to engage in the fight. If government had given an ear to the worries of the SDF, huge sums of state finances would not have siphoned into people's pockets.

The case of Mouchipou Seidou, the then Minister of Post and Telecommunication is an example. SDF MPs exposed the corrupt practices in that Ministry leading to the arrest of Mouchipou. Since then, Biya took the fight against corruption more serious.

Biya was obliged to create a parallel anti-corruption structure like CONAC to check corruption which led to the arrest of over 200 high profile government ministers, MPs, Mayor and high profile functionaries.

Good Governance /Transparent Use of Parliamentary Grants

It is thanks to the SDF that Cameroonians knew that MPs were always given a certain amount of money known as micro project grants every year to carry out small projects in their constituencies.

Before then, the amount was spent in bars, restaurants as well as night clubs in major cities. SDF MPs did not only expose its existence, they went as far creating micro project committees to manage the funds. The use of micro grant is one of the measuring rods the population use these days to evaluate their representatives.

So, retaining a parliamentary seat or winning is also determined by how efficiently these funds are utilized. It ignited good governance at local levels given that elected officials are obliged to give an account of their stewardship.

At the level of the councils, some SDF mayors in the likes of Njong Donatus, Tosam Bernard, Balick Awah Fidelis, late Bunyui Jonathan and Mangoh Jones Tanko proved to be exemplary in fostering development in their areas.

It was until the time SDF took over the management of the councils that Cameroonians knew that councils are supposed to organize Public Hearings to explain to the public their plan of action and realization, income, and expenditures.


When President Biya met Ni John Fru in Bamenda face-face for the first time, those who thought that the two political rivals could never see eye to eye were taken aback.

This is however, a true picture of the SDF's 25 years journey. If Paul Biya and Fru Ndi could sit on the same table and talk like pals, then the 25-years anniversary can be used to heal past wounds and reconcile with those who left the SDF due to misunderstanding?

Implicitly, the SDF Silver Jubilee will give room for a new take off. The reconciliation committee headed by Hon. Mbah Ndam has a heavy task to bring back the likes of Akonte, Asonganyi, Ntemfack Ofege, etc.

Popular opinion holds that if the initiatives and claims of the SDF are genuine, the party will emerge to be stronger than before the celebrations.

Auteur: The Eye Newspaper