(Video) Food Security and Forest Protection: Communities discuss small-scale farming innovations

Cameroon Forest

Mon, 21 Jul 2014 Source: greenpeace.org

The rich forests of South West Cameroon support thousands of communities, by providing food, building materials and medicine.

Greenpeace Africa is working with Cameroonian NGO ACDIC (Association Citoyenne pour la Defense des Interêts Collectifs) to assess how small-scale farming can offer a responsible development path, in contrast to a proposed industrial palm oil plantation in the region, which threatens local livelihoods and the environment.

To address this, representatives of local communities came together at a workshop held by Greenpeace Africa and ACDIC in the town of Kumba on April 16, to share ideas on how to ensure food security and forest protection.

Approximately 90 people attended, and identified technical support for farmers, access to land, and producing food locally for local consumption as some of the key factors in achieving this.

Community Resistance

This provides a positive and viable alternative to the 73,000 hectare palm oil project proposed by US-based corporation Herakles Farms, which would jeopardize the livelihoods of more than 14,000 people who currently live and farm in the concession area.

Fearful of losing their lands and livelihoods, some local people have protested against the project, and have faced intimidation and arrest.

Auteur: greenpeace.org