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What’s that? Oh, it’s a New Year

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Fri, 9 Jan 2015 Source: Beatrice Adu

Ah, I couldn’t wait for 2014 to be over! It was such a relief knowing that there was going to be another opportunity for a new start, a new way of thinking plus a new way of seeing things. Yes. I do believe in seasons and times.

For many, it’s a time to put the past behind and move forward. For those who had bad experiences, they probably plan to move on with their broken pieces with the hope of putting them together again in the new bright year. And for those who had fantastic times, it’s time to make what worked for them work better. Let’s chew some ideas here today. And I want us to talk about some few things that we probably need to pay more attention to.

Carrying forward those offenses?: Offence is like pouring sugar on the bare floor in your bedroom and thinking you’ll have a peaceful night without visitors-ants. When you’re offended, you feel justified to want to pay back and hold on to the pain. Right? Yeah. I know how it feels. But you’re the only one it hurts. So instead of calculating in your already pressured head how you’re going to DEAL with these people, why don’t you just say; ‘to hell with this pain’ and enjoy your 2015? Just a word.

The bad habits-quit them: Oops. The bad habits. They could be so hard to break, you know. The chocolate that you know is increasing your weight but you can’t resist. Hahaha. But seriously you could gradually begin working on it to get the results you want.

Let me give some common example I guess you could also easily identify with. Have you realized you hardly pay attention to how much telephone call credits you buy per week or per month? You just love to call people; love to send text messages and it’s become a part of you. It’s so hard to break that. But with a little more attention, you could decide on how much you spend on call cards to break that habit. (WARNING! This doesn’t stop you guys from calling us. Laugh)

A New Year represents a new wine skin that deserves a new wine-Change your thinking: I’m sure by now you’ve heard numerous messages on changing your thinking from this way to that way….and perhaps you may not even remember all those messages. But it’s just a simple reminder. Think to help you. Don’t think to destroy you. You’re too precious.

Yes, I guess last year was horrible( In case that was your experience) and unacceptable but not all years are the same-believe: It definitely will work. Who says all years are the same? Even seconds of every hour are different and can come with amazing surprises that would transform you from the kiosk to the mansion. That sounds like that phrase If wishes were horses huh? But just believe. Anything is possible

Forget about the incessant critics- sometimes they don’t really matter: Aha! And those critics. Even if you were adjudged the best human being on earth by a super natural being they will still find faults with you. So relax. Sometimes they really don’t matter. Let them criticize as much as they can. When they’re tired they’ll stop. If they don’t stop, leave them alone and enjoy your year.

Forget the inquisitives-Often they just want to satisfy their curiosity and not necessarily help you deal with the headaches: It’s good to want to share your challenges with people. And indeed some appear to really want to help you. But usually, they’re just thirsty and hungry inquisitives who want to satisfy their curiosity. Sometimes all you need to do is to talk to your maker and sleep. Period.

Finally, enjoy your year. It’s hear for you to enjoy. Reign: You heard me right. Enjoy! Reign. Rule your world. It’s your time. Smile. Happy 2015 Please let's hear from you. Email me via claireadu@yahoo.com. On facebook, please follow me on Beatrice Adu and on twitter, I’m@Beatrice4Adu.

Auteur: Beatrice Adu