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Why I can’t be Charlie…

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Mon, 12 Jan 2015 Source: Cameroononline.org

Before I begin my statement, let me first reassure those who have distorted thinking and who tend to read what their feelings, not their brain tell them: I am opposed to and I do condemn the killings which happened in Paris this week… as well as other killings….keep reading.

I cannot sit down, watching millions suddenly becoming ‘Charlie’ without pointing to what I strongly believe is a double standard.

This very same week, the “deadliest massacre” in the history of Boko Haram happened in northern Nigeria and was reported here among the few news outlets which carried the story.

Based on Amnesty’s reports, hundreds of bodies — too many to count — were found in the bush in Nigeria, killed by the ‘Islamic extremists’. It is estimated that 2000 at least were killed.

On the other hand a dozen people were killed in Paris, again by so called ‘Islamic extremists’.

Same week, same ill-minded cause, similar ideology but two completely different outcomes.

In one case, the entire world, including African ‘leaders’ has expressed outrage and has become one: ‘CHARLIE’. All media outlets, including in Africa are reporting the events continuously.

In the Boko Haram case: SILENCE. The Nigeria killings are being completely ignored by the media and the entire world. While Cameroon and to a lesser extent Nigeria are fighting Boko Haram on their own, the entire world is celebrating its ‘Charlieness’ in Paris.

Several African leaders or should I say puppets have rushed to join the party even though they have never cared about similar killings occurring in Africa. They are doing so by wasting scarce tax-payers money needed to finance their expensive vacation in Paris.

If a dozen French lives are more important than thousands of Africans’, I cannot afford to be Charlie! ‘Je suis AFRICAIN!’

Auteur: Cameroononline.org