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Your network is your net-worth

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Thu, 16 Apr 2015 Source: Dr. Ignatius Otchere-Asamoah

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” - African Proverb

Working together to achieve a common and greater goal has become the order of the day in virtually all facets of human endeavor in today’s world. In the words of American industrialist and founder of the Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford; "Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success."

Increasingly words akin to working together such as; synergy, collaboration, alliance, teamwork, partnership and networking practices are getting a buzz and have become pervasive subculture among multinational companies, groups, individuals and nations around the globe.

Obviously the turnpike to the future can no longer be 'my way' or 'your way' but 'our way'. Indeed, one person can chase a thousand but two shall effectively put ten thousand to flight. In Synergy 1+1= 10, or 20, 30, etc; it is an exponential increase!

Someone said, "Synergy is the simultaneous action of separate individual parts, which together produce more, a greater effect than any one of the parts alone.” Wow!

You may go fast on your own but when we join forces, we would definitely go far. English physicist and mathematician, Isaac Newton confessed that, "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

In this century, networking is no longer considered as just a strategy but a key factor in the success of businesses and a vital resource for countries in the globalised economy.

In spite of having a larger pool of potential customers, lower labour costs, benefits of lower tax rates, and other advantages that make big multinational companies seem virtually invincible economically - they still seek to form alliances or partnerships with companies of similar global mission and market drive to enable them reach far.

Thus collaborating with like-minded people or forming a synergy to address challenges confronting our generation enables us to accomplish greater things than each person or group working on its own could ever hope to achieve.

Tackling our challenges individually could fragment our efforts and the resources, hence possibly undermining our best intentions. The indigenous South African concept of collaboration is termed Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a philosophy of the Southern African indigenes that can be summed up as; “I am what I am because of who we all are."

They believe that you can’t exist as a human being in isolation but in interconnection with the larger community. You cannot be human all by yourself, and when you have this quality of Ubuntu, you are known for your generosity.

Nelson Mandela speaking to a group declared, “In Africa there is a concept known as Ubuntu – the profound sense that we are human only through the humanity of others; that if we are to accomplish anything in this world it will in equal measure be due to the work and achievements of others.” The story of John Peterson and Simon, a young South African student typifies the power of collaboration:

John had always been a terrific worker at BullsEye, but when he was promoted to management, he found out that he faced more challenges than he had bargained for. Not only that, but his personal life was falling apart as well. Then along comes Simon, a young student from South Africa. When Simon overhears John’s frustration about having to come in over the weekend, he skips out on his college final to come in on Saturday to help John finish some poorly done paperwork.When John asks him why, Simon says simply, “It is Ubuntu.” Soon after, John becomes Simon’s student in the way of Ubuntu.

As luck would have it, BullsEye is running a contest, and Simon is one of the winners of the grand prize – a trip to South Africa. John, Simon and several other BullsEye employees go on the journey of a lifetime and learn the principles of Ubuntu firsthand. They come back with a plan and soon BullsEye is transformed and is not only a great place to work, but is successful as well.

The migration of geese from Canada to the southern part of the United States to find food and a warmer climate at the onset of winter is another typical example of synergy. Geese flying in a “V” formation, with “Flocked Mind,” can fly 72% further than a single goose by himself. “Flocked Mind” is the focus on the common purpose of a group. The concept of "Flocked Mind" - working in partnership - can be developed by considering the following:

•VISION - Vision, which is the mission statement of a person, company, or nation, is extremely vital in the formation of networking or collaboration. Vision is having singleness of purpose in an endeavor and also serves as a retraining agent to guard you against dabbling in unauthorized ventures, collaborations, partnerships, and alliances.

Two cannot work together except they have a common goal or are heading the same direction. "Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results," Andrew Carnegie. Do you see what the other partner sees?

Are you willing to sacrifice your abilities, resources, time, as well as direct your accomplishments towards the goal of the team? Is the mission or objections of the partnership vivid to each member of the alliance? What is fuelling your team to achieve uncommon results? These are among the myriad of questions you need to ask before joining forces with any entity, either individual or corporate.

• VALUES - What are your core values? Your core values are the guiding principles that influence your behavior and actions. Core values can help you distinguish what is right from wrong; they can aid partners to determine if they are on the right path of fulfilling their collaborative objectives; and also serve as an anchor in defining moments of the alliance. It important to ensure that you and your partner have shared values. You have to ask questions like: Are our personal and work ethics compatible? You do not want a partner who would substitute work time with pleasure and socializing.

Both of you must be on the same page. Do you augment and complement each other’s skills, abilities, and natural endowments? Here, you are looking for someone who can bring a unique characteristic that you lack to solidify the partnership. Do you share similar personal and business philosophies? You have to know his/her principles about integrity, excellence, diligence, social responsibilities, etc.

It would be suicidal to network or form an alliance with someone without first knowing their core values. American actor and entrepreneur, John Ratzenberger admonishes-"Find people who share your values and you'll conquer the world together.”

•VOCATION - There should be clarity in what kind of trade, business, or venture you are engaging yourself in.

Most people have unknowingly invested into regional stock markets and ventures that exploit human beings in underprivileged areas of the globe either through labour slavery or businesses that tarnish the sanctity of fellow human beings in a remote area of the world. You cannot be left in the dark when it comes to the kind of work your resources would be promoting.

Let your values reflect in your business dealings and the rules of engagement you would employ in your vocation. Bahamian-American actor, film director, author, and diplomat, Sidney Poitier affirmed “I had chosen to use my work as a reflection of my values."

•VIGOR - The level of determination, strength, energy, and passion of your partner is extremely vital to the lifespan of the collaboration. Lawrence Welk, American musician, accordionist, bandleader, and television impresario who hosted The Lawrence Welk held that “If you put all your strength and faith and vigor into a job and try to do the best you can, the money will come."

The success of your alliance or partnership is greatly predicated on the level of strength, faith, and vigor which all the contributing parties invest. All-in must be the approach if true success is to be attained.

The moment one party's vigor is extremely higher than the other, the partnership needs to be assessed or evaluated. Partnership, alliance or collaboration in any shape or form is a relationship and like in all human relationships, when the commitment level of one party dwindles, the relationship will begin to bleed.

People tend to misconstrue the difference between an investor and a business partnership. When you are forming partnership or collaboration, the roles and responsibilities of each party should be clearly stated and understood.

There is a difference between someone who comes to commit money or a resource in the venture (investor) and someone who commits resources, time, and has a shared goal and values with the other partner.

The key principles of collaboration are transparency, shared goals and values, integrity, integration of ideas and personalities, and trust. Find someone who shares your vision, values, veracity and vivacity in a department in life and watch the exponential successes you would chalk up working together. The time is now!

Let us, therefore, learn to join forces in our quest to actualize our ideas, dreams, aspirations, goals and plans because our network is our networth! In the animal kingdom, even ants collaborate as a unified entity in their bid to protect and support their colony which earned them mention in the biblical book, Proverbs as worthy of emulation! Here ants are eulogised as being diligent, wise, proactive and skilful with teamwork; which ironically is the source of their immense strength and progress despite their tiny size- hence the admonition to learn from them. Discover Your Greatness!

Auteur: Dr. Ignatius Otchere-Asamoah