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RE: Falsehood, uninvestigative journalism should be desisted in Southern Cameroon

Sat, 5 Dec 2015 Source: Rev. Fr. Andrew Ambeazieh


The Government of the Southern Cameroons, West Africa has observed very critically that from the 1st of October 2015; when the Nationhood and the Government of the Southern Cameroons from 1954 to 1961 without any external interference such as that of La Republique du Cameroun, Central Africa was restored Legally and constitutionally and also in line with her Motto “THE FORCE OF REASON, NOT THE USE OF FORCE AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF NON-VIOLENCE”and peacefully for the Greater Honour and the Glory of God; yet some Southern Cameroonian Journalists with the enticing financial support of the Annexationist Government of La Republique du Cameroun still go on publishing very false and uninvestigated information about the Independent Territory of the Southern Cameroons and the people.

It is crystal clear; that is very easy to understand or completely obvious that La Republique du Cameroun has annexed and subjugated us for fifty-four years (54) from 1961 to 2015 and made some Southern Cameroonians such as the journalists feel that La Republique du Cameroun is their semi-god without which they cannot exist or manage to sustain their life which is absolutely false and unfounded belief of such God created Image of the Southern Cameroons.

Hence, The Government of the Southern Cameroons, through her Ministry of Communication and specifically through “The Department of Southern Cameroons Information Service Buea” calls upon all the Southern Cameroonian Journalists to desist from misinforming the population of the Southern Cameroons and the International Community.

They should work with the Scientific Principle of Journalistic Investigation about the Territory and the People of the Southern Cameroons, West Africa before anything or information is said and published about the people and their Territory which was granted Independence unconditionally by the United Nations General Assembly 15th Session of 1961 (U N G A 15TH Session 1961) and the Final Decision on the Issue by the U N Fourth Political Committee at 3:15 p.m New York, U.S.A. 19th of April, 1961 and First October, 1961 was declared “Independence Day of the Southern Cameroons.”

The Government of the Southern Cameroons exhorts the Southern Cameroonian Journalists to work with Fidelity in God and publish The Truth of what they investigate to be the case. In reality, History is based on Facts which could be derailed, delayed to be reactivated and lived but Can never be altered.

Indeed, Falsehood has never produced anything beneficial and productive for any Rational Community. Falsehood destroys completely but the Veritas that is the Truth builds up the Community and gives real meaning to human Existence, Human and Economic Development; as this in-born capacity to conquer the earth (Genesis 1:26-27) is given to the total human family, that is Mankind by the Supreme Creator to make the earth an enjoyable Habitat for His rational creatures.

Finally, Let all of us join hands and work with the United Nations – The International Community to embrace the Restoration of the Nationhood and the Government of Our Beloved Nation: Southern Cameroons, West Africa of 1954 to 1961; on Thursday, the First of October, 2015 with the Spirit of hard work, telling the Truth at all times and working to develop our Nation, now and posterity.

In fact, The Southern Cameroonian Journalistic Corps remember and keep this in mind, your children now and tomorrow will ask you, you were there during the Struggle to Restore the Nationhood of our Country: The Southern Cameroons; what contribution did you make towards its realization as a Journalist.

Indeed you Journalists, some of the intellectuals and some of the so-called book publishers and launchers who write about the History of Southern Cameroons know the True History but deliberately refuse and pretend not to know the True History because of the soft money they get from the Annexationist Government; La Republiqe du Cameroun. What a pity?

Let us remember what Our Lord, Jesus Christ, The Greatest Teacher and Sustainer of all Peoples who teaches His Apostles and the Rest of Mankind: “That You will learn the Truth, and the Truth will set you Free” (John 8:32). This should be our Rule of Life and Activities.

May God Bless All of Us.

Auteur: Rev. Fr. Andrew Ambeazieh