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Farewell Prof Agbor Tabi Peter

Fri, 29 Apr 2016 Source: Kinge John Lysonge

YOU will be fondly remembered as a dynamic patriot from manyu division. Some saw you as a controversial patriot,wanting to have all for yourself.

Some saw you as the Messiah of the manyu division. Truly,you died a great man,distinguishing yourself as a great manyu son,elite,father,leader and above all,the man whose courage and determination saw manyu sons and daughters in all of the best professional institutions in Cameroon,given a professional numerical strength above all or many of the divisions in the south West Region.

Yet many of your own blood detested you because of you out spoken nature and your purported(will) to tilt your kins and kindred to where you thought guaranteed all good things in life.

SOME you achieved but some you were disillusioned but like "Spartan"you never gave up,for you believed in your convictions. Today you are just a shadow that in a short while,it is going to fade completely out of our memories,but one thing is clear,your input to your people will remain indelible and therefore "let the good be interred with their bones"Amen

Auteur: Kinge John Lysonge