Super Makia (first from right)
The Vice President of the Cameroon Wrestling Federation speaks to about wrestling in Cameroon . Cameroon has held the African heavyweight belt for 28 years. Still, the country has very few high-level wrestlers. How is this possible?
Super Makia: The wrestlers do not feel encouraged. Remember the launching ceremony of the 2016 season, at the Unit Camp. They each received just FCFA 15,000 for each wrestling fight won. The losers were entitled to FCFA 10,000. The wrestlers denounced the abuse and demanded a revised increase in their premiums. They did not like the reaction of federal officials who said the wrestlers represent the nation, and for that reason, they must do it for free.
It’s a shame! These are not the kind of things to say to these young people when we know what sacrifices they go through. They endanger their health and even risk their lives in the ring for FCFA 10,000 or 15,000. Rather than suffer fractures and other injuries like this, the wrestlers rather stay home. It is very difficult for these children. Still, they are many who love wrestling.
Did you face the same situation during your time?
I made a good career because I moved out of the country. Moreover, Guinness had recruited me, linking my image for its products. This was also the case with Michael Power. I almost went around the world. I even spent five years in London. My monthly wage was FCFA 600,000, with the bonus of free housing, a special allowance for my diet and a vehicle.
Changes later occurred at Guinness where I worked, the Marketing Director from Europe, has been replaced by a Cameroonian. A brother! who decided to change my salary and treatment. We did not find common ground, so I left Guinness. Overall my career has been a success. I’m not a billionaire but lacks nothing today.
In your opinion what should be done to make Cameroonians fight at a top level?
Each athlete should have a sponsor who knows a good evolution in his career. In Cameroon, people do not know. Power Lee, the current African Champion heavyweight, was able to play the final in Yaounde thanks to his sponsor who handles the financial side of things. Cameroonians lack sponsors.
Each wrestler must have one. If things get difficult, in fact, the State does not take care of beginners, but those athletes who are recognised. The athlete must take charge at first, before expecting some assistance from the State.