Bamenda City Council (BCC) Government Delegate, Vincent Ndumu Nji
The Bamenda City Council, BCC, is expected to complete phase one of the tarring of 10km of roads within the city by the end of April 2016.
According to the Government Delegate, Vincent Ndumu Nji, the second phase of the tarring of roads will commence immediately after the first phase and will be completed by the end of July.
This declaration was made during the Council’s session on April 14, as the 2015 Administrative and Management Accounts were being examined.
The Councillors agreed that every quarter in Mendankwe (Bamenda I) will provide 10 bags of cement to repair the road from BMM Up-Station to the Fon’s palace.
It was also agreed that they will strictly follow up the contractors to ensure that the job is well done.
To ensure the cleanliness of the streets, the fine for reckless dumping of garbage was increased to FCFA 25,000.
The Government Delegate regretted that the poor collection of taxes hampered the realisation of revenue in the year 2015.
“Given the number of houses being built in Bamenda City now, with the increasing population close to a million, the land tax can be estimated at FCFA 1 billion, but the Council has collected only FCFA 24 million,” the Government Delegate said.
He reassured the people that, this year, more emphasis will be laid on the collection of land taxes with the collaboration of other local councils in Mezam Division.
“This will help the Council get what is due theirs so that they will use it appropriately for the good of the population,” said Ndumu.