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The training was organised by the Bar Council to enhance the respect of human rights in law courts.
“The Lawyer and Human Rights” was the subject of a training that assembled 160 pupil lawyers in Bamenda on May 27, 2016, with the objective to enhance the respect of human rights in courts of law.
Initiated by the Human Rights Commission of the Bar Council, the training strengthened the role of lawyers in the monitoring and evaluation of civil and political rights.
The training also inspired lawyers to embrace rights in their profession. It was all about enhancing advocacy on civil and political rights.
Prominent on the agenda of the Bamenda training were lessons on human rights instruments, civil and political rights, economic, social and cultural rights, the consideration of human rights in the lawyer’s profession and the consideration of human rights in internal and international litigations.
Barristers Olivia Mah Tamon and Mbuton Harmony Bobga were the resource persons.
The President of the Human Rights Commission of the Bar Council, Barrister Pierre Eteme Eteme, said the nationwide training equips lawyers to provide professional responses geared towards a systematic consideration of human rights and better dissemination of rights strategies by lawyers.
He said the workshops also help lawyers to better enforce international human rights charters.
The representative of the President of the Cameroon Bar, Barrister Kemende Henry, ensured superintendence. It also emerged from the event that the Human Rights Commission of the Bar Council is a technical organ that promotes and protects human rights through training and research.
It focuses on political and civil rights, cross-catty questions and new forms of rights, emergency procedures and inquiries.