Photo used for Illustrative purpose
The surreal scene is reported by Le Jour on newsstands of April 18. The paper said that the students of Lycée de Bandjoun sequestered two brigade commanders on 13 April.
“Gone to save the honor of his daughter, a student in the class of 3eme, the Bayangam brigade commander and his counterpart from Bandjoun were sequestered for hours by the students,” reports our colleague.
According to the story, “it was more than 10:00 AM, on Wednesday, April 13, 2016, when a pick-up vehicle of the national police stoped in the school playground. Two armed policemen come out and headed to the office of Discipline Master (DM) Fongang. When they entered, they close up the office and began to rumble. The noise attracted the attention of students from neighboring classes. Those who were in the veranda related to their peers the threats being done on their DM“.
The author of the article points out that days before, “Ines Kevine Ngandjui Jeumaleu, student of 3eme E1, refused to clean the classroom. When the DM asked her out, she refused. Before this insubordination, Chantal Chouloh, the principal, decided to call her parent for the next day. Upon receiving the convocation, instead of returning home and giving to her parents, she rather refereed it to her friend, Laeticia Foko Megne, student in 1ere C in the same school.
With her phone [instrument banned from use in schools by ministerial circular], the latter called her father. Supposed to be stationed in Bayangam, the Chief Warrant Officer arrived with his counterpart from Bandjoun in the school, without any convocation, to teach the DM a lesson“
“My daughter did not come to school to wash your stench. She does not wash things. Do you know me? You know who I am? ” Said the angry parent to the DM. This is when students got involved. “Some came with machetes to do manual labor. Others pick up stones and sticks. Some threaten to burn the truck parked by the police, now under supervision of the principal.
For more than 2 hours, the school staff with the PTA president who came to the rescue tried to calm the overheated students. Many said that it was an opportunity to give them what they do to their parents in the neighborhood “
The two uniformed men manage to escape unharmed. They seized the Divisional Delegate of Secondary Education of the Koung-Khi. The girl in question was translated to the disciplinary council.