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North West conscripts set for nation-building

Wed, 2 Sep 2015 Source: Cameroon Tribune

Trained to be models in nation-building, the 2015 batch of North West conscripts of the National Civic Agency for Participation in Development, graduated on August 27, 2015, prepared to assist Cameroon become emergent by 2035.

The event showcased 460 youths trained for two months in citizenship, civic, social and life skills, cultural and moral education and environmental protection. They emerged from the event at Government Technical High School, Bamenda as prompters of national integration and agents of peace and change in a nation threatened by terrorism.

It was against this backdrop that the conscripts stated their preparedness to denounce forces of evil and paid tribute to the Armed and Security forces battling Boko Haram terrorists. It was Meching Emiace from the National Civic Agency for Participation in Development who stressed the mission of the Agency in promoting a culture of peace, tolerance, patriotism and descent work among youths. The Head of Centre for the 2015 batch, Jick Barnabas, sounded off about discipline and responsibility displayed by conscripts during the training.

Around to send them off to their respective divisions, the Permanent Secretary in the North West Governor’s office, Monono Wolua, recommended worthy activities in their communities. He challenged the youths to rise to expectation by being vigilant against Boko Haram terrorists and models in society. The North West Region also trained some 600 volunteers in life skills and agro-pastoral activities for self-empowerment.

Source: Cameroon Tribune