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Easter celebration at Etoug Ebe Baptist Church in Yaounde

EBC Church

Mon, 6 Apr 2015 Source: CRTV

The Etoug Ebe Baptist Church in Yaounde was full to capacity with Christians who came to celebrate the risen Christ.

"Easter is the biggest feast in the life of a Christian. It is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that gives the raison d’etre of Christianity," Pastor Nfor Philemon indicated.

In a special Church service attended by several top dignitaries including Prime Minister - Head of Government, Philemon Yang, the officiating Pastor drew inspiration from the Biblical scriptures of John and first Corinthians for his Easter message.

The Rev. Nfor Philemon preached on the theme, “Live in the hope of the resurrection”. He called on Christians to live on earth with a heavenly mind set and live in truth in order to experience and share God’s love on earth and in the life beyond.

“The message was palatable; we have learnt to live Christ-like lives in order to inspire others. The pastor said our thoughts determine our action so we should always think positively.” Godlove Talla Nji, a Christian said.

“Traditional rulers are humans and Christ died to safe us all from sin. The resurrection implies that everything that died will have a life again, so we are born again in Christ” said Fon Chaffah XI, Traditional ruler of Bangolan, a Christian of the Etoug Ebe Baptist Church.

Easter was also an occasion to pray for soldiers on the frontline battling extremist groups in the Far North Region.

Praise and worship magnified the celebration which coincided with the 50th birt day of the Parish Pastor of Etoug Ebe, Rev Nfor Philemon.

Source: CRTV