Sports Minister, Bidoung Mpkatt
Last Friday March 25, 2016, a day before the South Africa-Cameroon encounter counting for the 3 rd day of Qualifier CAN Gabon 2017,many construction works were still on the road leading to the Omnisport Stadium in Limbe.
This was to ensure that this infrastructure which is been built for the women’s African football cup is ready in time before the November 17 to December 3, 2016 hosting by Cameroon .
The area around the entrance to the grandstand seemed to have been scraped a few days earlier, and works have been accelerated in other parts of the stadium too. Further down the work on the two-way street that overlooks the Limbe-Idenau axis is in a more advanced stage.
Much work also has to be done at the esplanade which is yet to be cemented. There are no streetlights which definitely should come at the end of the work because one can easily be attacked on this road at night.
The Congestion observed at the exit of the stadium after the game South African game showed how important it is to open other roads to the stadium. The construction of the fence has just begun though the work is in very slow pace.
That not wthstanding, workers are actively doing everything possible making sure there is progress.The stadium itself, has very little work left.A layer of paint is definitely needed on the outside of this infrastructure.
A meeting with officials of the site allowed Bidoung Mpkatt to assess the progress of work on Friday. The Sports Minister once more put pressure on the company charged with the work on the rate at which things are going now.
The main focus now is the construction of the main access road as there is a huge concern that not everything will be ready before the start of the women CAN competition in November.